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10 Jahre Game Boy (Video Games 6/98)
3DO (Video Games Sonderheft 8)
3DO (Mega Fun 3/95)
Atari Jaguar (Video Games 12/93)
ColecoVision (Video Games 11/99)
Das Mega Drive und Mega CD (Video Games Sonderheft 6)
Die Abrechnung: Mega Drive gegen Super NES (Video Games 12/92)
Die Europa-Premiere des Dreamcast (neXt Level 9+10/99)
Dreamcast: Die Technik der neuen Generation (neXt Level 3/99)
Dreamcast: Konsole meets Internet (Video Games 1/00)
Erste Eindrücke vom Super Famicom (Power Play 2/91)
Erste Informationen zu Nintendos Ultra 64 (Video Games 3/95)
Erste Informationen zu Nintendos Virtual Boy (Video Games 1/95)
FM Towns Marty (Video Games 12/93)
Game Boy Special (Mega Fun 9/98)
Game Boy vs. Game Gear (Total! 8/94)
Game Boy vs. Game Gear (Gamers 5/94)
Game Boy: Eine Keksdose erobert die Welt! (Fun Color 2/01)
Game Gear (Play Time 6/91)
Großer Vergleichstest: Mega Drive kontra Super Famicom (Video Games 3/91)
Hands-on-Bericht zu Nintendos Virtual Boy (Video Games 3/95)
Hyper Neo Geo 64 & Buriki One (Video Games 8/99)
Jaguar CD (Mega Fun 2/96)
Jaguar: Die Raubkatze lebt! (Video Games 9/00)
Japan-News vom Mega-CD (Gamers 2/92)
Lynx, die Zweite! (Play Time 1/92)
M.A.K. - Mega Arcade Konsole (Mega Fun 6/93)
Mega CD Reportage: The next Generation (Gamers 5/93)
Mega Drive Historie (Video Games 10/92)
Mega Drive: Mit 16 Bit ins neue, uns noch ferne Zeitalter... (ASM 2/89)
Mega Mutation: Amstrad Mega PC (ASM 5/93)
NEC PC-FX (Mega Fun 3/95)
NEC und Sega: Starke Konkurrenz für Game Boy und Lynx (Power Play 2/91)
Neo Geo (Video Games 1/92)
Neo Geo Pocket Color und Spiele (Video Games 8/99)
NES Super Set (Play Time 6/91)
NES vs. Master System (Video Games 10/92)
Net Yaroze: Sonys Entwicklungshilfe (PlayStation Games 2/98)
Nintendo 64 DD (Video Games 5/00)
Nintendo 64: 7th Shoshinkai & Famicom Space World '95 (Video Games 1/96)
Nintendo 64DD (neXt Level 9+10/99)
Oldie-Special Teil 1: PC-Engine (Video Games 3/99)
Oldie-Special Teil 2: Neo Geo (Video Games 4/99)
Oldie-Special Teil 3: NES (Video Games 5/99)
Oldie-Special Teil 4: Jaguar (Video Games 8/99)
PAL-N64-RGB-Umbau (Video Games 3/98)
Panasonic 3DO (Video Games 12/93)
PC-Engine: Spielen in einer neuen Dimension (Power Play 10/88)
PC-Engine: Stark im Kommen (ASM 2/89)
PC-Engine: Videospiele auf Compact Disc (Power Play 6/89)
Playstation (Video Games Sonderheft 8)
PlayStation 2 (Mega Fun 5/99)
PlayStation 2: Technik wie in Wirklichkeit (neXt Level 5/99)
Projekt: Nintendo Disc (Super CD) (Mega Fun 8/93)
Satellaview: BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 & Excite Bike Bum Bum Mario Battle (Total! 7/98)
Sega Dreamcast: Traum oder Schaum? (neXt Level 8/98)
Sega Saturn (Video Games Sonderheft 8)
Segas Wiedergeburt: Superkonsole Katana heißt nun Dreamcast (Mega Fun 7/98)
Sexy Spielzeug: Dreamcast (Video Games 10/99)
Sony PlayStation (Mega Fun 9/95)
Super Nintendo (Video Games 9/92)
Super Nintendo: Die Technik (Video Games Sonderheft 3)
The Making of Xbox (Video Games 11/00)
TopGuy: Der Famicom-Handheld (SuperPro 3/94)
Ultra 64: Der Countdown läuft! (Mega Fun 12/95)
Virtual Boy (Mega Fun 9/95)
Virtual Boy (Video Games Sonderheft 8)
Virtual Boy: Die rot-schwarze 3D-Revolution? (Total! 10/96)
Virtual Boy: Nintendos 32-Bit-Konsole (Video Games 9/95)
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