BASEBALL PROS: The ultimate baseball simulation that has everything. Features include: base stealing, overhead view during plays and time outs, fast balls, curve balls and even bean balls. Every player has his own unique stats so you can choose the best hitters and pitchers at those crucial moments!
SOCCER SIMULATOR: This simulation covers every aspect of the game including passing, shooting, throw-ins, penalties and fouls. Fast-paced non-stop excitement right from the first whistle! Absolutely amazing playability that will keep you enthralled for hours.
PRO TENNIS: Grass, clay and gravel courts, full 3D movement, 3 skill levels. Every kind of shot from the real game is available in this simulation - smashes, lobs, volleys, passing shots and many more. All the action and excitement of the real thing. Brilliant!!!
BMX SIMULATOR: Against-the-clock bike racing at its best. 15 all-action circuits across three different terrains - dirt biking, desert racing and quarry racing. The burns, bumps and ramps really work - get pedalling! "Great game with lots of addiction" - ACE magazine.
All games feature 1-player and simultaneous 2-player options. BMX also features 3 player option.
Solche Spiele gehören auf den Grabbeltisch - für 4,99.
Name:NegCon(Admin)Beiträge: 1.255
25.01.2012 um 21:03:16 Uhr
Original von 7thGuest
@NegCon: Hier würden sich die News aus Total! 8/93 (siehe Batman Returns fürs SNES) doch sicher auch ganz gut machen, oder? ;)
Danke für den Hinweis. Hab es hinzugefügt und die Total-Wertung angepasst.
Name: 7thGuest Beiträge: 405
24.01.2012 um 23:10:16 Uhr
@NegCon: Hier würden sich die News aus Total! 8/93 (siehe Batman Returns fürs SNES) doch sicher auch ganz gut machen, oder?
Name: PatrickF27 Beiträge: 104
02.02.2011 um 15:35:53 Uhr
Hm, schade das die NES-Version anscheinend so vermurkst wurde, auf dem C64 waren die Codemasters-Sportspiele eigentlich fast alle kurzweilige Spaßbringer.