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Probotector II: Return of the Evil Forces (NES)
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EUR-PAL (Front)
Ø Wertungen
79% (3 Mags)
90% (6 User)
Genre: Action Shooter
Entwickler: Konami
Datenträger: 2 MBit (Modul)
Alternative Titel:  
Super Contra
Super C
2. Februar 1990
April 1990
Sprache (dt. Release): ???
In der PAL-Version wurden die menschlichen Protagonisten und Gegner durch Roboter ersetzt. Einen Schnittbericht dazu findet ihr hier.

Spiele die ebenfalls dem "Probotector/Contra"-Franchise angehören:

Beschreibung (Verpackungstext)
Beschreibung zu Super C:

Shoot first and forget about the questions!

After losing a confrontation against Super Commandos Mad Dog and Scorpion, the juices of destruction drip from the spiked tongue of the vile alien war monger - Red Falcon.

Now, he's comming back stronger than ever, with a sinister plan that includes having his intergalactic warriors seep into the brains of the U.S. Army. To support his disguised forces of doom, he's recruited Jagger Froid, a demented alien from the Black Hole Galaxy. He's also shuttled in The Babalu Destructoid Mechanism with its Beam of Death.

With torrential terror about to rain down upon rests with you, Scorpion, and your pal, the Dogster. And if your spread guns, lasers, flame throwers and mega shells fail to destroy Red Falcon's eight levels of terror, including radioactive lava fields, it's all over but for the shouting, the screaming and the cries from a disintegrating world.

Featuring simultaneous play for two players, or play against the computer.

Beschreibung zu Probotector 2: Return of the Evil Force:

The aliens are back!

In the year 2634, the Earth has finaly escaped from the hand of black magic, one year after the end of the war with a mysterious alien army, or has it?

One day, a strange radio message comes in from General Hal of the federation troops as he is heading for the base ruins in South America in preparation for the seventh GX army manoeuvres.

"Friendly GX troops have suddenly turned their attack on us. No, it can't be!! They're no human! They must be...!

The message cut off there. The commanding officers of the federation troops feel very strange about this message from the general and so dispatch Probotector RD008 and RC011, the strongest fighting robots in history, to find him. A helicopter carrying the two units is sent out on a top secret mission. When it gets close to the site of manoeuvres, it lands, drops off the two units, and takes off again immediately. Just then, from out of the shadows come soldiers on the attack. But they are not soldiers! They are robots! The nightmare of one year ago has returned. The mutant alien life forms that were believed destroyed are alive again.

Now they control the GX army, have built fighting robots and are planning to take over the world!

Once again the fight to the death between the Probotector and the aliens has begun!

For 1 player against NES or 2 players simultaneously.

Screenshots (Anzahl: 8) und YouTube-Video

YouTube-Video vorhanden: » Anzeigen « +

Kommentare (Anzahl: 12)
Gastkommentar schreiben
Name: 7thGuest    Beiträge: 405 09.03.2011 um 17:25:22 Uhr
Return of the Evil Forces ist mein persönlicher Lieblings-Probotector. Technisch kann es natürlich nicht mit Alien Rebels und Hard Corps mithalten, stilistisch und spielerisch ist es diesen aus meiner Sicht aber um eine Nasenlänge voraus. Der einzige echte Kritikpunkt, den ich anbringen kann, ist die doch ziemlich kurze Spieldauer: Innerhalb von weniger als einer halben Stunde kann man sich durch das gesamte Spiel ballern. Angesichts des recht deftigen Schwierigkeitsgrades werden die meisten aber zumindest im ersten Anlauf ein wenig länger brauchen.

Name: 7thGuest (Gast) 23.10.2010 um 22:46:09 Uhr
Probotector II: Return of the Evil Forces. Der Name macht was her. Und erst recht das Covermotiv. Das ist eines der geilsten überhaupt auf dem NES. Da können die Verpackungen von Super C(ontra) nicht gegen anstinken.

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