Spiele die ebenfalls dem "Crash Bandicoot"-Franchise angehören:
Beschreibung (Verpackungstext)
"...the most eagerly anticipated game of all - Crash 2 is a must have" - ULTRA GAME PLAYERS
The evil Dr. Neo Cortex is back with a vengeance ... this time ... to save the world? And he's asking for help from his arch nemesis, Crash Bandicoot? Or is it just some conniving plan to lure Crash takes on a whole new adventure that's out of this world!
BIGGER levels!
ALL NEW moves and combos! Slide, crawl, high jump, body slam, swing, surf a jetboard, fly with a jetpack - and more!
ALL NEW cast of crazy characters!
MORE hidden bonuses, MORE secret paths and MORE challenging puzzles than ever imagined!