Spiele die ebenfalls dem "Blade"-Franchise angehören:
Beschreibung (Verpackungstext)
You're Blade, Gothic City's baddest vampire hunter. When rival vampire clans ignite a deadly feud, you go deep to do some serious demon killing. Stalk the undead through 24 gothic locations, then waste them with an arsenal of intense weapons. Plan on staying up late tonight 'cause an even greater evil waits.
Ammo, baby! Guns, blades, grenades... and of course, swords.
Live the film. Take on all the gruesome creatures of the night.
Gothic 3 locations. City sewers, the Gothic City Museum and more.
Das 2. schlimmste Film Umsetzung Star Wars: Episode I - Die dunkle Bedrohung was ich jemals zu PSOne mal gezockt habe. Damals war es im Angebot Jahr 2001 gewesen. Und nach 20 Min. War Fall für die Mülltonne!