Spiele die ebenfalls dem "Rampage"-Franchise angehören:
Beschreibung (Verpackungstext)
OH NO! Your 3 favorite human-munching badly-behaved mutants have been captured! Unfortunately, for the humans inhabiting Earth, brand new mutants have been sent to rescue George, Lizzy, and Ralph. You'll meet Ruby the Lobster, Boris the Rhino, and Curtis the Rat as they destroy cities in North America, Asia, and Europe! Get ready for destruction, mayhem, alien exterminators and the best buffet in town - the people of Earth! Hope you're hungry!
New moves like the Ape Stomp, Fire Breath, Wolf Howl, Rhino Charge, Rat Bottom Feeder and Lobster Can Opener all add up to trouble!
6 characters, each equipped with an individual talent for demolishing people, places and each other! We've also added a couple of hidden dudes just to keep things interesting!
Use your Rumble Pack and feet the tremors as your character stomps and chomps through places like the Capital Building in Washington, D.C. and the Space Needle in Seattle!
Bonus Rounds! Take on your buddies in a grude Match, Squashing Contest, King of the Hill or any of 5 exciting bonus rounds!