You are entering MEGGAGRID, a thriving metropolis built on the ruins of a city once known as Los Angeles. With the abolition of restrictive measures such as taxes, drug laws, and environmental regulations, large corporations are thriving... and so are the criminals.
You find Dr. Grubert, a prominent technologist and inventor, crippled in a terrorist bomb attack. Together, you work to rid Meggagrid of its main criminal organization, THE PITT FAMILY. Dr. Grubert has equipped you with the finest technology to take back the city. Your best chance is to execute the missions he has carefully designed to thwart the forces of organized crime.
Dr. Gruber, whose work has gained him some powerful enemies, now works diligently in a dank bunker mies below the streets of Meggagrid - building new weapons and enhancements to his invention, the Helipak Fight Suit.
Equip yourself with up to nine weapons and collect over 20 different kinds of power-ups. Battle over ten types of enemies - flying and ground-based - and neutralize nine other kinds of obstacles such as radar jammers, repliers, and attractors.
With deadly arsenal at your fingertips, you can blaze through the skies of Meggagrid with 6 degrees of freedom. Explore seven levels plus one training mission (each level is over 1.000 TV screens in size). Scout you territory and execute your missions using the city maps inside the box.
Criminal activities in the city are controlled by the powerful Pitt family. Hunt down and apprehend the notorious crime bosses Terrence Pitt, Pyromegaly, the Steel Medusa Sisters, and others.