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Alle als Scan verfügbaren Testberichte der "Sega Magazin"

Erscheinungsjahr auswählen:

1996 | 1997 | 1998 | Alle Testberichte

39 Testberichte in der Datenbank gefunden.
Advanced World War: Sennen Teikoku no Koubou Saturn Strategie7/9782 %
Baku Baku Game Gear Puzzle9/9686 %
ChuChu Rocket! Dreamcast Puzzle7/0089 %
Dark Savior Saturn Action RPG3/9790 %
Die Hard Arcade Saturn Sidescroll Beat 'em Up3/9786 %
Ecco the Dolphin Mega-CD Jump 'n' Run9+10/9384 %
Ecco the Dolphin Mega Drive Jump 'n' Run9+10/9384 %
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future Dreamcast Jump 'n' Run7/0088 %
Elevator Action Returns Saturn Jump 'n' Run8/9780 %
FIFA '98: Die WM-Qualifikation Saturn Soccer4/9882 %
Fire ProWrestling S: 6Men Scramble H Saturn Wrestling1/9864 %
Grandia Saturn Rollenspiel4/9890 %
Herc's Adventures Saturn Action Adventure10/9783 %
Land of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse Game Gear Jump 'n' Run9+10/9390 %
Land of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse Master System Jump 'n' Run9+10/9389 %
LandStalker: The Treasures of King Nole Mega Drive Action Adventure9+10/9391 %
NHL '98 Saturn Eishockey4/9888 %
Power Stone 2 Dreamcast Beat 'em Up7/0084 %
Resident Evil Saturn Survival Horror9/9791 %
Resident Evil: Code Veronica Dreamcast Survival Horror7/0094 %
Rocket Knight Adventures Mega Drive Action Jump 'n' Run9+10/9387 %
Saturn Bomberman Fight!! Saturn Action4/9874 %
Shining Force Mega Drive Strategie RPG9+10/9386 %
Shining Force III Saturn Rollenspiel9/9887 %
Silpheed Mega-CD Shoot 'em Up9+10/9381 %
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Master System Jump 'n' Run9+10/9388 %
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Mega Drive Jump 'n' Run9+10/9389 %
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Game Gear Jump 'n' Run9+10/9388 %
Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage Dreamcast Action7/0081 %
The Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck Master System Jump 'n' Run9+10/9396 %
The Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck Game Gear Jump 'n' Run9+10/9385 %
The Nomad Soul Dreamcast Action Adventure7/0055 %
The Ottifants Mega Drive Jump 'n' Run9+10/9384 %
Thunder Force V Saturn Shoot 'em Up10/9790 %
Thunderhawk Mega-CD Action9+10/9392 %
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Dreamcast Ego-Shooter7/0074 %
V-Rally 2: Expert Edition Dreamcast Racing7/0089 %
WeaponLord Mega Drive Beat 'em Up1/9678 %
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck Mega Drive Jump 'n' Run9+10/9388 %
39 Testberichte in der Datenbank gefunden.
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